Ruby Taylor (1/4)

Ruby Taylor maakt zeer divers werk – van typografie tot patronen met groente en fruit. Je bent het werk van deze illustrator uit Londen vast wel eens tegen gekomen in Flow. Voor de Vakantiebox illustreerde ze het dagboekgedeelte van het vakantieboek en maakte ze twee stickervelletjes. Deze maand vertelt ze op ons blog meer over haar leven.

Shelves 1 kopie

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My Shelves
I love collecting interesting and inspiring objects, I’ve done so since I was a kid (which is why I used to have such a messy room!) I love vintage typography and design, old packaging, odd things and little illustrated items. I think collecting things has inspired my illustration in many ways, I really enjoy drawing objects and small items, and I really like how they can tell a story.
I’ve just bought these lovely Swedish String shelves (as I’m trying to be more organised!) to put some of my favorite objects up in my room. I thought I would show you a few of the little items off my shelves and tell you a little bit about why they are special or interesting to me.

A-Z Mug kopie

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A-Z Mug
This is a replica of a mug designed in the 1930s for Wedgewood by Eric Ravillious. I absolutely love Eric Ravillious’s work, he’s always been a great inspiration to me. He created wonderful illustrations and designed quite a few beautiful mugs for Wedgewood. The A-Z mug is my favourite, the tiny illustrations around it are so marvelous. I had been trying to find one for a long time but the real ones are really expensive, I finally found somewhere selling replicas and luckily I bought two as you can see this one has been glued back together. It was a sad day when I broke it but now it has pride of place on my shelf.

Pineapple kopie

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Paper Pineapple
I love flamboyant decorations and this paper pineapple came from a great shop called Party Party which is round the corner from my studio. It has three floors full of party decorations, fancy dress and cake making stuff. It’s such cool shop and a great place to go and take a break if I have been stuck in the studio for hours. I absolutely love fruit themed things (I illustrate fruit a lot!) and this bright yellow pineapple cheers me up whenever I look at it. I had a big tropical themed party for my birthday in January and the pineapple is pretty much the only thing which has survived, I don’t feel like I can take it down now!

Planeta Tangerina kopie

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Planeta Tangerina 2014
This is a catalogue for a Portuguese children’s publishing house called Planeta Tangerina. I discovered their books on a trip to Portugal I took in March and I absolutely love them! I bought one called Com O Tempo (With Time), it’s illustrated by Madelena Matoso and her work is so beautiful. She uses wonderful bright colours and bold shapes. I wanted to buy all their books but I had to settle for one, but every so often I browse this little catalogue and dream of the next one I’ll buy!

Baking Powder kopie

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Baking Powder
This little tin was another find from my trip to Portugal. I really love vintage style packaging and old typography and Portugal was absolutely full of it! The city of Porto is beautiful and the city centre feels like walking into the set of a Wes Anderson film. The buildings are beautiful colours and the signs are really retro. I loved the design of this packaging, the typography is great and I like how the picture in the middle is of the same tin. It’s repeated, like in an infinity mirror. The tin sort of reminds me of one of my own illustrations.

Harmonica kopie

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Puck Harmonica
This cute little harmonica was a gift, it has the word Puck written on top and on the box. I’m a member of an illustration collective called Puck so it was a really great find! Sadly I can’t really play it but I it feels really special and reminds me of how fun it is working alongside lots of talented people. Maybe one day I’ll try and learn a tune!

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